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Exclusively by Macro Dental Lab

NEW!! Titanium Partial Denture

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Successful Work Team

Macro Dental Lab is dedicated to being a team player in efforts to serve our patients with the care they deserve.

No-Hassle Remakes

Every restoration case goes through 3 levels of quality check  by our team before it is released for delivery. In event that a remake is necessary despite our quality checks, Macro Dental Lab promises to re-do the case promptly at no charge. This guarantee is limited to 1 year from time of initial delivery. 

If the remake is not due to our workmanship or material defect, then we reserve the right to charge for the remake, including replacement parts, alloy, and labor. In addition, if we are instructed by the dentist or clinic to complete the work despite our communicated efforts to advise against the restoration due to potential complications, then the dentist or clinic shall assume full responsibility of the remake, thereby voiding the remake policy stated above.

Simple Payment System

Every case will be delivered with an invoice that will list the work performed and associated costs. At month's end, you will receive a monthly statement by mail, email, or in-person. The term is net 30 days. You may pay Macro Dental Lab by check or credit card (3% processing fee). Cash will not be accepted.

Automatic credit card payment is available for no extra charge. Please ask for more detail.

Delinquent payment will be subject to late charge of 1.5% per month. We understand there may be moments when you may simply forget to mail the check. To help you avoid late charges, we will contact you around 3-5 days before due date to remind you of upcoming payment deadline. Please contact us directly if you have any question.

Credit Card

Credit card payments will incur a 3% processing fee

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